Pop, hip hop, rock ‘n roll and jazz - music that influences who I am and stimulates and inspires my creativity and designs. It was therefore appropriate for me to use music that inspires me to promote myself as a designer. Music is all about feeling, and it is thus that I use the concept of music to promote myself as a designer as I aim to create work that makes people feel something.
In order to promote myself I created a set of vinyl covers to represent my work. Each cover is designed and illustrated according to the theme of the song I selected, to show my different design styles. Each song and each genre represents the various layers to my personality, creativity and my designs - It’s wild, it’s calm, it’s bright, it’s loud, it’s soft, it’s caring.
Part of the promotional package includes a set of earphones that enables you to listen to the different music I have selected for each vinyl cover. Inside each cover is a QR code, that when scanned, allows one to listen to the different songs that I have chosen to describe myself. An entire sound and visual experience is created to promote my creativity. To enhance the experience I have included t-shirts, stencils, records and posters all which show my diversity and ability to work on different mediums.

Above: Mash-up of song lyrics to explain the creation of Ink Giraffe.

Includes 100% biodegradable plastic that can be used as a natural fertiliser as well as vinyl cover made from giraffe dung. Record is made from plantable paper.
Text on the plantable record includes: With all these songs floating in your head, let me begin to explain why I chose to depict myself, Kelsey Nikki Cloete (A.K.A Ink Giraffe), through these different songs. Each song and each genre represents the various layers to my personality, creativity and my designs. It’s wild, it’s calm, it’s bright, it’s loud, it’s soft, it’s caring.